
-Report Cards - Student progress will be provided via online accessible reports cards at the end of each trimester in November, March and June. 

-IEP Progress Reports will also be sent home with each student at the time of report cards. The IEP Progress Report will provide current progress with each goal within each student's IEP.

-MAP Reading and Math assessments are administered to all students at Richfield Elementary three times a year during Fall, Winter and Spring benchmarks. 

-AIMSweb - There are several AIMSweb assessments that include: Reading-Curriculum Based Measurement (R-CBM) for fluency, MAZE for reading comprehension, Written Expression - Correct Writing Sequence (CWS), Words Spelled Correctly (WSC) & Total Words Written (TWW), Math Computation (MCOMP) for math fact fluency and Math Concepts and Applications (MCAP) for math concepts and skills. 
  • All of these assessments help guide teacher instruction in order to show what students have mastered, but also need more support with. Students receiving intervention services are progress monitored using these assessments weekly in the area of reading, writing and math throughout the school year. AIMSweb student progress slips will come home every two weeks. AIMSweb graphs will be sent home at the end of each month.

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