Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Exit Interviews & Summer Practice

Only 3 more days of school and you will have a third grader! The students have done an exceptional job this year and I would love for their progress to continue, so students will be having an exit interview with me over the next couple days. They will get a chance to talk to me about their O.W.L. (Organized While Learning) binders which hold their goals, work, data, and charts. We will also discuss what areas they feel they got stronger in and what areas they feel they need to continue to work on.

I invite you to have this same conversation with them when they bring their O.W.L. binders home. They take great pride in them and I am sure they would enjoy sharing everything inside with you!

During their exit interview they will also receive SUMMER PRACTICE packets with a letter that states...
(exercise for the brain!)
Complete 3 pages or assignments from each packet weekly and you will finish before 3rd grade begins!

Remember, no arguing with Mom and Dad, this is to HELP make 3rd grade EASIER for YOU! Each packet should not take you more than 5-10 minutes each time you work in it.

For every packet you complete you can pick a GIFTCARD out of the GIFTCARD basket, but you have to bring it to Mrs. Alaimo’s room within the first 5 days of third gradeJ

Have a great summer,

Mrs. Alaimo 

Everyone will receive 1-3 packets to complete depending on what what areas I feel would be beneficial to them. For every packet they return completed the first week of third grade, they will get to select from the basket full of gift cards from Game Stop, Menchies, McDonald's, Five Below, Justice, Toys R' Us, Target, etc. We all work to get paid, they need some compensation too! If you have any questions about these packets or anything at all, please do not hesitate to email me, raalaimo@revereschools.org or give me a call or text @ 216-410-2592.

Additionally, students will also be receiving a copy of my address should they decide to practice their writing skills and write me a letter about their summer, I would love to hear from them and I will write back!

Thanks again for your attention & support.

Have a wonderful summer!
Rachel Alaimo 

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